Intelli7® Psychometrics
at the Individual level:
a revolution

academy softskills


Intelli7® faithfully restores in the Dynamic
the Adaptive Capacity of a person.

The Dynamic shows his multiple capacities,
in a succession of 7 Priorities.

Thus we discover how the person adapts
according to situations, thus accessing Precious Resources not easily read spontaneously.

<strong>Dynamics of<br>Personality</strong>

Dynamics of

Our personality evolves according to our involvement (our stress). This enables us to adapt to the situations we encounter.

This explains why we know how to do several different things, why we have several talents.

The Dynamics, exclusive to Intelli7®, reveals these multiple abilities we have.

For example, Dynaique shows, like in a movie, how we handle an objection when a customer says no.

Or how we deal with our stress.

Dynamic also shows what kinds of situations stress us.

Finally, it describes what we avoid doing, and what we shouldn't be asked to do.


Dynamics also renders the Behaviors
that the person has chosen.

The major advantage is that on the one hand:
they are directly readable, without interpretation,

and on the other hand
they are the person's choices, therefore incontestable.

<strong>Dynamic of<br>Behaviours</strong>

Dynamic of

Our Personality of the moment carries with it certain Behaviors that we are going to implement.

The Behavior Dynamics, which is the deepening of the Personality, lists in a perfectly legible way the Behaviors that the person has selected.

So all you have to do is read them to know how the person is going to act, precisely

The great advantage of Intelli7®, which is unique, is that these Behaviors have been chosen by the person.

They are rendered directly, without any interpretation.

So the person feels perfectly listened to, recognized and taken into account. For once, we're interested in them, and the facts prove it.

This completely changes the way we approach HR.

Dynamics shows both Personality, and also Behaviors.

The indisputable interest lies in our ability to clearly identify what the person will want to use as behaviors, and those they will tend to reject.


Intelli7® also unveils Drivers, Softskills, Dynamic Analyses, and many other must-haves for accurate, reliable, easy diagnoses,
and constructive exchanges...

jean francois chabanaud
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Jean-François CHABANAUD</strong></span><br>Argos Conseil - PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>contact me here</a>

Jean-François CHABANAUD
Argos Conseil - PARIS - France
contact me here

Management consulting for SMEs

How at our customers:

  • Objectivate a business proposal and a management intervention?
  • How do you make the behavioral qualities you need to implement to better manage your team tangible?

Looking for tools to help me achieve these goals, I discovered Intelli7 in 2011.

We're not all red, or all blue, or all green at every moment of our lives! Our behavior varies according to the situations we encounter.

The power of the Intelli7 model makes it possible to identify, analyze and work with customers on the different facets of their behavior in all circumstances.

In Intelli7, the visuals available highlight these elements and, by supporting my discourse, make them even more comprehensible to the customer.

In my coaching and recruitment assignments, my clients, mainly dispensing pharmacists, particularly appreciate the relevance of the reasoning behind Intelli7, as well as the clarity of the supports presented, which support the work carried out.

sandrine rignol
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>SANDRINE RIGNOL Ph.D - 100+CENT</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

PARIS - France

HR Consultant - Professional Coach

I certified with Intelli7 at the end of 2016, at the same time as I completed my coaching certification. After more than 15 years in industry as an HRM/HRD, I thought I had developed a good understanding of people.

I came to acquire methods and tools to better deal with the issues we frequently encounter in HR.

Intelli7's strength lies in its ability to objectify and characterize what is more often than not the domain of impressions that are more or less confused and more or less shared by stakeholders. And the sooner we have an informed, shared diagnosis, the faster we can resolve the problem.

The other strength of Intelli7 is that it's a real Swiss Army knife, that can be adapted to both individual and collective problems.

I use it for recruitment, managerial development or Talent development, as well as for executive committee support or organizational change management.

Intelli7 helps me to quickly diagnose and propose a structured approach that responds to the issues identified.

Many of my customers have already told me: I could see that something was wrong, but I couldn't formulate the problem. Your intervention is exceptional.

puceMy references:
Alfa Laval, MBDA, industrial SMEs, consulting firms, associations in the medical-social sector

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