Research and development
in Intelli7®

academy softskills


Intelli7® is constantly in R&D

For this, the 2 Intelli7® branches:
professional and personal,

enrich each other's progress.

Requests from the professional world to the personal world,
and vice versa, are becoming more and more frequent.

This is how Intelli7®
dual competence comes into its own.

It makes it easy to respond to requests
that are increasingly decompartmentalized.



Intelli7® enables us to take into account and resolve a wide range of personal and psychological issues.

Our practitioners benefit from all the advantages of the approach and their specific toolbox.

Intelli7®, thanks to its particular Psychometrics, promotes spectacular advances in the field.



Intelli7® covers a wide range of management and HR fields.

Its solutions also cover self-management, including stress management. These methods are of course shared with Intelli7®'s personal dimension.

However, the boundary between these 2 aspects of our lives is increasingly permeable, necessity obliges.

It is no longer possible to completely separate
the professional world from the personal world.

They influence each other.

Intelli7® allows you, if you wish,
to manage this bridge easily.

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
<strong>Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil</strong><br>AVIGNON - France<br>

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
AVIGNON - France

Organizational consultant - Professional coach

I have been using Intelli7® since 2013 as a professional coach to support managers in 360 processes.

First, I enable managers to objectify their behavioral preferences in carrying out their mission.

Then I ask employees, using the tools provided by Intelli7, what they expect from their manager in terms of concrete actions to improve the fluidity of relationships and processes.

It's then very easy for me, thanks to another type of Intelli7 study, to match the employees' needs with the manager's talents.

They are then able to create a realistic and ambitious operational action plan together.

puceMy references:
France Télecom, Leroy-Merlin, ORANO, CEA, CCI Vaucluse and various VSEs and SMEs...

dominique proudhon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>DOMINIQUE PROUDHON, Ph.D.</strong></span><br>Nîmes - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>+33 617 571 873</a>

Nîmes - France
+33 617 571 873

Mediator, coach, trainer (French/English)

My activity consists in optimizing collaborations: I accompany individuals, pairs and teams in the development of mutual trust, the efficiency of operational exchanges and the quality of decision-making.

I use intelli7 in three main areas:

  • Anticipating areas of relational tension in building partnerships or teams.
  • Resolving interpersonal conflicts.
  • 360° feedback.

Intelli7 is a tool of choice: this unique approach enables me to accurately perceive my client's world to better accompany them. It provides me with a solid framework for exploring with him/her his/her reactions, priorities, and their impact in terms of results.

Thanks to Intelli7, I save precious time in getting straight to the heart of the internal dynamics at play in a given situation.

Intelli7 also enables me to clearly identify areas of divergence and misunderstanding/frustration between two individuals, within a CoDir, or in relations to one's team.

My customers particularly appreciate gaining clarity about the way they operate, being able to identify precisely the behavioral reflexes that put them in difficulty in a given context (and to develop appropriate corrective measures) and, in the case of 360°, to have objectively objective external feedback on how their behaviors affect the performance of their teams/company/customers.

It's a gas pedal of awareness and the power to act, a map of how people function that enables us to get straight to the point and build solutions where discrepancies emerge in collaborations.

puceMy references:
Aguettant, Airbus, Bollhoff Otalu, CEA, CJD, Council of Europe, Emerjean, Green Development Products, ESRF, Kenzo, SNCF, Sofradir, Symrise, Sorbonne Université, ST Microelectronic...

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