Research and development
in Intelli7®

academy softskills


Intelli7® is constantly in R&D

For this, the 2 Intelli7® branches:
professional and personal,

enrich each other's progress.

Requests from the professional world to the personal world,
and vice versa, are becoming more and more frequent.

This is how Intelli7®
dual competence comes into its own.

It makes it easy to respond to requests
that are increasingly decompartmentalized.



Intelli7® enables us to take into account and resolve a wide range of personal and psychological issues.

Our practitioners benefit from all the advantages of the approach and their specific toolbox.

Intelli7®, thanks to its particular Psychometrics, promotes spectacular advances in the field.



Intelli7® covers a wide range of management and HR fields.

Its solutions also cover self-management, including stress management. These methods are of course shared with Intelli7®'s personal dimension.

However, the boundary between these 2 aspects of our lives is increasingly permeable, necessity obliges.

It is no longer possible to completely separate
the professional world from the personal world.

They influence each other.

Intelli7® allows you, if you wish,
to manage this bridge easily.

regis desseaux
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis Desseaux</strong></span><br>LILLE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>06 47 55 76 30</a>

Régis Desseaux
LILLE - France
06 47 55 76 30

HR Consultant and Coach

I've been using Intelli7 since 2011, with one main focus: coaching collectives (teams - associations of people - project groups...).

The idea is for people to understand their own functioning, and what underlies it. That they can also take a look at how others work, with the idea of understanding, and maybe starting to accept...differences!

I also use it in coaching, to generate awareness in the person of their own functioning, before tackling the blocking points and thus making the link between the two. I can then work on how to overcome these blocking points in line with who they are.

Finally, I'm using Intelli7 on the all-important issue of employee commitment and the necessary evolution of day-to-day management practices. Here too, Intelli7's relevance facilitates the implementation of in-depth work on coherence and cohesion.

Intelli7 enables me, of course, and above all, to adapt to the people I work with. In fact, this is the first benefit I derive from Intelli7: a better understanding of the person enables me to create a relationship, a connection, that's fairer and quicker, which in turn facilitates the progress of the work!

For my customers, the benefit is undeniable: understanding what their expectations and needs are based on, why and how things happen, situating themselves in their relationships with themselves and with others... are all awarenesses they can now rely on to move forward in their new daily lives.

puceMy references:
- VSEs/SMEs, particularly in the agricultural world,
- Companies in the agri-food and industrial sectors,
- The associative sector.

marion dumas
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Marion DUMAS</strong></span><br>EM LYON - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Marion DUMAS
EM LYON - France

Leadership and Collective Intelligence.
Accompanying the human

In 2016: discovery of Intelli7 during the Vision 2021 Summer University, Collective Intelligence.

Among the many tools I used to gain insight into myself, my impact and the emotional and social life of my team, this one seemed to me to bring new elements: it offers the possibility of evolving one's behavioral practices, and avoiding becoming locked into one's habits, when faced with a delicate situation.

Today, we have integrated Intelli7 into the Leadership EMBA, IMBA and Diriger une Activité courses aimed at Executive, Dirigeants, Chefs d'entreprise audiences.

Two professional improvement objectives guided our decision:

- enable you to refine the way you enter a subject by adapting your management style, your leadership style to make your operation more adapted, more flexible, more effective and intelligent,

- enable you to work in harmony with your team, your peers, and thus contribute consciously to a richer, more cooperative and constructive team life.

During the training courses, the questionnaire taken before and at the end of the course enables us to objectivize the transformation of each individual and the evolution of his or her posture, based on new behavioral know-how.

Bluffed, Reassured are the words that come back very often with a new inner security that has been strengthened.

In a complex world, with many uncertainties, the trust created and reinforced is necessary to generate team strength, and stay the course.

Intelli7 worked within a CODIR or a management team offers the simplicity of its use, of its understanding to better cooperate.

It enables us to take a step back from our managerial positions, and to get out of tensions once we've admitted that everyone is working with their strengths (and sometimes awkwardly), within the resources of the model. The choice to try out other behaviors opens up a facility for action while respecting each other.

The multiplicity of possible information, in particular: decision, stress, enables certain themes to be explored in greater depth.

Thus, the creation of a crisis management standard enabled us to help everyone manage themselves better during the COVID.

puceMy references:
In business, team and leader alike gain maturity and serenity, with a smile.

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