

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
<strong>Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil</strong><br>AVIGNON - France<br>

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
AVIGNON - France

Organizational consultant - Professional coach

I have been using Intelli7® since 2013 as a professional coach to support managers in 360 processes.

First, I enable managers to objectify their behavioral preferences in carrying out their mission.

Then I ask employees, using the tools provided by Intelli7, what they expect from their manager in terms of concrete actions to improve the fluidity of relationships and processes.

It's then very easy for me, thanks to another type of Intelli7 study, to match the employees' needs with the manager's talents.

They are then able to create a realistic and ambitious operational action plan together.

puceMy references:
France Télecom, Leroy-Merlin, ORANO, CEA, CCI Vaucluse and various VSEs and SMEs...

dominique deloche
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Dominique Deloche - YODISE - PHD Avenue</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Get in touch</a>

Dominique Deloche - YODISE - PHD Avenue
PARIS - France
Get in touch

Coach - Author

Manager Ensemble (digital offering) - Coût du non-management (E-book collection) - L'Eléphant Mimosa (play)

Intelli7 is a fantastic tool for local managers to decide to consciously modify their managerial practices.

The manager's understanding of his 7 Priority levels enables him to adapt his behavior based on his personality.

He can thus discover the managerial practices that are most natural to him (because they are in phase with his Priorities 1 and 2) and those that are furthest removed from him (Priorities 6 and 7). This identification, based on the tool, enables him to choose the most useful avenues for progress.

The local manager can progress, step by step, according to the wide variety of analyses offered by Intelli7.

Intelli7 is both a tool for individual progress and a support tool, in the hands of coaches. The fact that the same analysis information is shared (as soon as the profile is returned) provides the manager and his or her coach with a common support for unavoidable professional development.

For all local managers who have benefited from higher education (doctorate), this is an essential tool for their professional advancement. They have the intellectual training (capacity for abstraction) that enables them to decide for themselves on the best choices for behavior in situations (managerial practice).

But the tool is also very easy to access and immediately speaks to all those who are willing to improve their behavioral awareness and professional mobility.

puceMy references:
Veolia, OMS Energie, Administration Pénitentiaire, Défenseur des Droits, Orange, Weylchem

virginie menard
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Virginie Menard - TOTAL</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br>

Virginie Menard - TOTAL
PARIS - France

Group Recruitment Manager

As Head of Recruitment, I have been using Intelli7 since 2018 as part of our recruitment process but also as part of mobility.

Bref, a high-performance decision-making tool!

The tool allows me a varied and effective field of application: softskills-based recruitment/mobility, which enables a reliable and fine-tuned analysis of strengths and areas for improvement (which we don't always detect in interviews), profile comparisons between N+1 and N-1 to check a possible collaboration, but also a job fit that enables us to examine the veracity of a profile in relation to a job description.

Group Recruitment Manager

As Head of Recruitment, I have been using Intelli7 since 2018 as part of our recruitment process but also as part of mobility.

Bref, a high-performance decision-making tool!

And it's a win-win situation for everyone: internal clients are delighted to be involved from the beginning to the end of the selection process, and candidates and employees receive a personalized report and an oral debriefing.

puceThanks to this tool, every year we have more and more internal requests in addition to our recruitments. This is proof that our HR services have developed well, with an ever more qualitative approach.

regis redon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis Redon</strong></span><br>MONTPELLIER - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Régis Redon

Management and HR consultant

Certified with Intelli7 since 2005, I have used all of the tool's features quite extensively, and they have continued to evolve to this day.

As a management & HR consultant in the transport and logistics sector, Intelli7 has become for me and my clients the essential tool for securing executive and supervisory recruitment assignments in the company's operational environment.

Identifying, based on experience, the profiles that are more or less successful in a given profession, we have used the Intelli7 tool to develop reference profiles that have enabled us to optimize and ensure the long-term reliability of our recruitment success.

In this highly specialized transport sector, which is organized into a network of small and medium-sized businesses, we have become, over time and with the know-how we have developed, the long-term partner of many managers whom we have helped to develop their human resources organization.

For most of them, proposals for new services such as JOB FIT, for example, have always been greeted with great enthusiasm in view of the potential added value that this approach could bring to the improvement of their organization.

frederic defoy
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Frédéric Defoy</strong></span><br>Haute Savoie - Génève<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Frédéric Defoy
Haute Savoie - Génève

Professional coach - Psychopratician - Trainer/consultant - Independent researcher

I have been using Intelli7 since 2015 as a professional coach serving professionals and individuals for issues of orientation, transition, installation, resolution of different types of problems, relational, or professional evolution.

The first benefit of intelli7 was to provide extremely precise objective elements that not only respected people's singularity but gave them the keys to understanding their own subjectivity. The effect of combining the subjective and the objective is always powerful and a source of promising deployment.

This was precisely the reason that led me to choose this tool from all those available on the market: respect for human complexity and singularity. After more than 5 years of use, I can say that this tool has lived up to all its promises and even exceeded my expectations. Indeed, I've been able to diversify my offering thanks to the tool's versatility.

The customers who have benefited from intelli7 have regularly confirmed its relevance in answering the questions they had. Indeed, many were struck by the value and power of the information that the balance sheet was able to bring to light very quickly.

I have the pleasure of recommending it without reservation to anyone who appreciates and values human beings in all their complexity and richness.

puceMy references:
ICF, Emotional Intelligence Academy, Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder centered coaching, Coaching with compassion, Dialogue Education Practitioner.

regis de charette
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis de Charette</strong></span><br>COS-FI, Aix en Provence<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Régis de Charette
COS-FI, Aix en Provence

Collective Intelligence facilitator, trainer, supervisor


I've been using intelli7 since 2014 in individual and group coaching, and I appreciate the many possibilities of the approach and the very open notion of Dynamics.

Using the behavioral preferences of individuals and those of the group, I enable everyone to objectify their talents within the group's working framework. These insights reveal to the group people in comfort zones, under-utilized talents, over-adapted people as well as collective avoidances.

This also enables people to quickly regulate their relationships within the group. It provides an objective framework for expressing preferences, communicating better in the other person's world, asking the right questions and avoiding misunderstandings that are often mis-expressed.

This twofold work on relationships and preferences within the group ensures that the group's dynamics are set in motion in a very short space of time. It greatly facilitates training work, which can then be targeted to unblock energy, and encourage setting in motion.

Managerial assessment

The managerial assessment enables experienced managers in career development to refine, reposition and confirm their professional project by objectifying behavioral competencies in addition to the technical skills dealt with elsewhere (skills assessment, for example).

In this assessment, people are asked to define their own management style. They build on their behavioral preferences and can better contextualize their Soft Skills.

In peer groups, people can discuss their behaviors and become aware of different ways of reacting in a given situation by sharing on the effects.

Then they are led to work on the perception of the most suitable behaviors for one or more envisaged positions. These perceptions are compared with the perceptions of a panel chosen by them, made up of hierarchical superiors, HR, colleagues, ...

The comparison of their behavioral preferences and perceptions of the positions naturally creates a framework of contrasts which, after analysis, enables the implementation of an adapted action plan.

puceMy references:
INRA, CNRS, university, Valimovia (real estate), STI, city of Marseille, CD13

regis desseaux
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis Desseaux</strong></span><br>LILLE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>06 47 55 76 30</a>

Régis Desseaux
LILLE - France
06 47 55 76 30

HR Consultant and Coach

I've been using Intelli7 since 2011, with one main focus: coaching collectives (teams - associations of people - project groups...).

The idea is for people to understand their own functioning, and what underlies it. That they can also take a look at how others work, with the idea of understanding, and maybe starting to accept...differences!

I also use it in coaching, to generate awareness in the person of their own functioning, before tackling the blocking points and thus making the link between the two. I can then work on how to overcome these blocking points in line with who they are.

Finally, I'm using Intelli7 on the all-important issue of employee commitment and the necessary evolution of day-to-day management practices. Here too, Intelli7's relevance facilitates the implementation of in-depth work on coherence and cohesion.

Intelli7 enables me, of course, and above all, to adapt to the people I work with. In fact, this is the first benefit I derive from Intelli7: a better understanding of the person enables me to create a relationship, a connection, that's fairer and quicker, which in turn facilitates the progress of the work!

For my customers, the benefit is undeniable: understanding what their expectations and needs are based on, why and how things happen, situating themselves in their relationships with themselves and with others... are all awarenesses they can now rely on to move forward in their new daily lives.

puceMy references:
- VSEs/SMEs, particularly in the agricultural world,
- Companies in the agri-food and industrial sectors,
- The associative sector.

guy joly
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Guy Joly - TOTAL</strong></span><br>Paris - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Contact me here</a>

Guy Joly - TOTAL
Paris - France
Contact me here


HRD and responsible for executive management in the company, I am also a volunteer in the association TIGcRE which offers support to juniors and seniors wishing to form a tandem to create a company.

After several trials of different recruitment tools, my choice came down to Intelli7 in 2001.

Recruitment is a process involving several stages and above all several players: the candidate, the recruiter, and the manager of the team the candidate is to join.

At each stage, Intelli7 can accompany the various protagonists with the advantage of understanding the process, clarifying what is happening between the interlocutors and discovering the candidate in his or her functioning.

Everything is important: the job description, what the candidate can do, what he or she will actually do, how he or she will fit into the future team. Intelli7 provides a detailed and relevant analysis of these different aspects, giving leads for action and moving forward together the players in the recruitment process.

puceIntelli7 has enabled me to develop my confidence and the image of HR within the group, thanks to the ability it has given me to respond to all types of HR situations.
My internal positioning has been accepted and facilitated by the use of Intelli7 in the issues raised.

catherine m.foix
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Clotilde and Mathieu</strong></span><br>BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Clotilde and Mathieu

Human solutions to your transformation challenges

At CEPIG, we've been using Intelli7 since 1998.

Today we're working with the 3rd version; a valuable qualitative leap for our missions to support internal or external recruitment decisions, and integration.

Our business since 1965, to develop the potential of our customers' employees. Our ambition, to take care of all talents and contribute to making the company fertile, creator of human, economic, social value.

Intelli7 is an invaluable tool in this respect for several reasons:

First of all, the dynamic profile: its contextualized approach to each person enables us to describe a profile that's alive, in motion, and not reduced to static, immutable characteristics. For us, personality unfolds differently depending on how engaged the person is in the situation.

Next, the matchings:

- Individual profile with job fit,

- Individual profile with N+1 and/or team profile,

provide valuable information to support integration and/or job start-up.

Our customers are able to deepen their decisions; prepare for the arrival of people in teams; set up suitable management, thanks to the support advice.

Mathieu Maurice

His leitmotiv: finding simple, optimized solutions in complex environments. Passionate and committed, he accompanies young entrepreneurs in their projects and teaches in the X-HEC Entrepreneurs Major.

Clotilde La Batide Alanore

His passion: listening, saying and making people say, using language as a precision technology to diagnose, enlighten, encourage, set in motion and give meaning. Her main concern: finding the levers to maximize your employees' chances of success, whether in recruitment, empowerment or mobility.

puceOur references include:
Bouygues, RAJA, Happytal, Grands Moulins de Paris, GCC, Clarins, Maisons de monde, Kronenbourg

marion dumas
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Marion DUMAS</strong></span><br>EM LYON - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Marion DUMAS
EM LYON - France

Leadership and Collective Intelligence.
Accompanying the human

In 2016: discovery of Intelli7 during the Vision 2021 Summer University, Collective Intelligence.

Among the many tools I used to gain insight into myself, my impact and the emotional and social life of my team, this one seemed to me to bring new elements: it offers the possibility of evolving one's behavioral practices, and avoiding becoming locked into one's habits, when faced with a delicate situation.

Today, we have integrated Intelli7 into the Leadership EMBA, IMBA and Diriger une Activité courses aimed at Executive, Dirigeants, Chefs d'entreprise audiences.

Two professional improvement objectives guided our decision:

- enable you to refine the way you enter a subject by adapting your management style, your leadership style to make your operation more adapted, more flexible, more effective and intelligent,

- enable you to work in harmony with your team, your peers, and thus contribute consciously to a richer, more cooperative and constructive team life.

During the training courses, the questionnaire taken before and at the end of the course enables us to objectivize the transformation of each individual and the evolution of his or her posture, based on new behavioral know-how.

Bluffed, Reassured are the words that come back very often with a new inner security that has been strengthened.

In a complex world, with many uncertainties, the trust created and reinforced is necessary to generate team strength, and stay the course.

Intelli7 worked within a CODIR or a management team offers the simplicity of its use, of its understanding to better cooperate.

It enables us to take a step back from our managerial positions, and to get out of tensions once we've admitted that everyone is working with their strengths (and sometimes awkwardly), within the resources of the model. The choice to try out other behaviors opens up a facility for action while respecting each other.

The multiplicity of possible information, in particular: decision, stress, enables certain themes to be explored in greater depth.

Thus, the creation of a crisis management standard enabled us to help everyone manage themselves better during the COVID.

puceMy references:
In business, team and leader alike gain maturity and serenity, with a smile.

karim turki
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>KARIM TURKI-ARCANE OVERSEAS</strong></span><br>TUNIS - TUNISIE<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='http://www.' target='_blank'></a> - <a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>


Certified NLP and Coaching Master Teacher - Professional Coach - Coach Supervisor - Relationship Consultant

As an NLP and Coaching teacher, I've been using Intelli7 since 2008 in NLP and Coaching certification training courses as a tool for exploring the unconscious.

Intelli7 awakens unconscious Intelligences and activates spectacular realizations that take the learner out of their automatic mode of operation.

Intelli7 is in this sense a powerful awakening tool that has no equal on the market.

It also enables the learner or coachee to become an actor of change, and to monitor the evolution and blossoming of these intelligences over time by analyzing gaps at each learning level.

As a Coach and Consultant in human relations, Intelli7 is for my clients a model for understanding human complexity.

It offers a practical framework for Human Management by objectifying the implicit interaction processes that underpin individual and collective efficiency.

puceMy references:

patrick sedillo
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Patrick SEDILLO Ph.D- SEDILLO CONSEIL</strong></span><br>CAEN - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>contact me</a>

CAEN - France
contact me

Pharmacist - Consultant - Professional Coach

To support my interventions as a trainer, consultant and coach, I have been using the Intelli7 approach for several years, which highlights the richness of the human.

Thanks to Intelli7, I've been able to improve my skills at the service of my customers, gain different angles from which to optimize my interventions, better understand my role and take full measure of both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the relationship with my customers.

With Intelli7, I'm more efficient and more precise in the way I support them in their projects such as team mergers, finding ways to motivate their staff, managing the complex situations they encounter on a daily basis (disagreements, conflicts, ....), ....

I can suggest to managers the postures they need to adopt to exploit the potential of their employees, and highlight the qualities they tend to neglect or even reject spontaneously or unconsciously.

The principle of fortnightly supervision enables me to continually evolve my practice so that my customers succeed in their projects and are satisfied, which results in the Enchantment of my customers.

puceMy references:
Pharma Système Qualité (PHSQ) - Pharmacie de l'Europe (27) - Pharmacie des corsaires (35) - Pharmacie du donjon (27) - Nordprint (80) - UFR Santé Caen

jean francois chabanaud
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Jean-François CHABANAUD</strong></span><br>Argos Conseil - PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>contact me here</a>

Jean-François CHABANAUD
Argos Conseil - PARIS - France
contact me here

Management consulting for SMEs

How at our customers:

  • Objectivate a business proposal and a management intervention?
  • How do you make the behavioral qualities you need to implement to better manage your team tangible?

Looking for tools to help me achieve these goals, I discovered Intelli7 in 2011.

We're not all red, or all blue, or all green at every moment of our lives! Our behavior varies according to the situations we encounter.

The power of the Intelli7 model makes it possible to identify, analyze and work with customers on the different facets of their behavior in all circumstances.

In Intelli7, the visuals available highlight these elements and, by supporting my discourse, make them even more comprehensible to the customer.

In my coaching and recruitment assignments, my clients, mainly dispensing pharmacists, particularly appreciate the relevance of the reasoning behind Intelli7, as well as the clarity of the supports presented, which support the work carried out.

colette gevers
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Colette Gevers</strong></span><br>SALON DE PROVENCE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Colette Gevers

Facilitator of collaboration and transformation - Collective intelligence and professional coaching

I appreciate the flexibility and finesse of intelli7; the tool doesn't lock us into boxes, but empowers us to make better use of our resources, in a very concrete and more conscious way. Intelli7 has enriched my coaching since 2018, in groups and individually.

When I work with groups, we explore their team mapping and culture together. We relate them to their issues and their usual functioning: what are their supports and brakes, their shortcomings, possible alternative strategies.

Gradually, the team assimilates a common vocabulary that helps them to step back from behaviors, in a calm and constructive way.

We then identify the synergies to be developed, those precious resources that are present in a few and today under-utilized; one of my customers thus testified that their codir had become aware of their creative potential.

In a 2nd phase, individual or paired restitutions of distant profiles allow us to go further.

puceMy references:
ArcelorMittal, Advitam, Canton de Genève, INRAE, thecamp, RATP, SANOFI, SNCF, Verre et Transparence, VYV

patrick oger
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Patrick Oger</strong></span><br>ORLEANS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Contact via Intelli7</a>

Patrick Oger
ORLEANS - France
Contact via Intelli7

Conseil en organisation et management

My expertise lies in structuring fast-growing SMEs. For the managers of these companies, it's all about proving oneself in order to survive. Everything moves very fast, and we can be confronted with poorly explained situations, often linked to human dysfunctions, which act as a brake on development.

In this type of context, the Intelli7 model, which is highly visual and easy for anyone to grasp without being an expert, enabled me to easily capture the attention of managers and get them to usefully reflect on the question of matching human resources to the company's needs: how do we know if we have the right man at the right place?

I've used Intelli7 in a variety of ways, but when it comes to structuring companies of this type, I'd like to mention two that have generally made a real difference.

The first consisted, through a better understanding of the behaviors sought, in limiting decisions calling on the garbage can model.

This often unsuccessful strategy leads to recruiting for high-level positions, without too much formality or discernment, a person from the immediate environment. When the scope of recruitment is broadened and the desired behaviors have been clearly identified, the company has a better chance of recruiting an employee who will effectively support its development strategy.

The second type of action was to help reposition certain employees who were unsuitable or suffering in their jobs.

With the help of coaching based on a profile, we can help people to better understand their preferred operating modes and thus find their place; particularly on the manager/expert axis.

puceThis helps repair a number of mistakes often made right from the start of the company.

sandrine rignol
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>SANDRINE RIGNOL Ph.D - 100+CENT</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

PARIS - France

HR Consultant - Professional Coach

I certified with Intelli7 at the end of 2016, at the same time as I completed my coaching certification. After more than 15 years in industry as an HRM/HRD, I thought I had developed a good understanding of people.

I came to acquire methods and tools to better deal with the issues we frequently encounter in HR.

Intelli7's strength lies in its ability to objectify and characterize what is more often than not the domain of impressions that are more or less confused and more or less shared by stakeholders. And the sooner we have an informed, shared diagnosis, the faster we can resolve the problem.

The other strength of Intelli7 is that it's a real Swiss Army knife, that can be adapted to both individual and collective problems.

I use it for recruitment, managerial development or Talent development, as well as for executive committee support or organizational change management.

Intelli7 helps me to quickly diagnose and propose a structured approach that responds to the issues identified.

Many of my customers have already told me: I could see that something was wrong, but I couldn't formulate the problem. Your intervention is exceptional.

puceMy references:
Alfa Laval, MBDA, industrial SMEs, consulting firms, associations in the medical-social sector

soledad kaercher
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Soledad KAERCHER</strong></span><br>Strasbourg - France <br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Strasbourg - France

Professional Coach - NLP Master Practitioner - Collective Intelligence Facilitator

What I particularly like about the approach is that it's dynamic and doesn't put people in boxes. Intelli7 sheds light on the way a person and/or team operates.

I use it on an individual basis, to help my clients unblock situations quickly and concretely, based on behaviors that may be limiting and/or overused.

My clients gain a better grasp of their own resources in a concrete way. The realizations are powerful and lead to rapid action.

To make my collective interventions more fun, I've co-constructed a card game based on the Intelli7 approach. It's a fast way to create links between individuals and to allow exchanges on the way each one works.

This is an opportunity to get them thinking about the impact of using these behavioral practices on the project, on their managerial posture, or to cope with change ... and to align themselves with the practices to co-construct an action plan. Exchanges are smoother and make it easier to understand the model.

Intelli7 is a real asset in my coaching, enabling me to better understand the functioning of the person or group I'm coaching, to create a rapid alliance and adapt my coaching style accordingly.

To discover the card game:
Click here or Click here

puceMy references:
Eurométropole Strasbourg, CESI, Grand Meuse Sud, C2T, adidas ...

dominique proudhon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>DOMINIQUE PROUDHON, Ph.D.</strong></span><br>Nîmes - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>+33 617 571 873</a>

Nîmes - France
+33 617 571 873

Mediator, coach, trainer (French/English)

My activity consists in optimizing collaborations: I accompany individuals, pairs and teams in the development of mutual trust, the efficiency of operational exchanges and the quality of decision-making.

I use intelli7 in three main areas:

  • Anticipating areas of relational tension in building partnerships or teams.
  • Resolving interpersonal conflicts.
  • 360° feedback.

Intelli7 is a tool of choice: this unique approach enables me to accurately perceive my client's world to better accompany them. It provides me with a solid framework for exploring with him/her his/her reactions, priorities, and their impact in terms of results.

Thanks to Intelli7, I save precious time in getting straight to the heart of the internal dynamics at play in a given situation.

Intelli7 also enables me to clearly identify areas of divergence and misunderstanding/frustration between two individuals, within a CoDir, or in relations to one's team.

My customers particularly appreciate gaining clarity about the way they operate, being able to identify precisely the behavioral reflexes that put them in difficulty in a given context (and to develop appropriate corrective measures) and, in the case of 360°, to have objectively objective external feedback on how their behaviors affect the performance of their teams/company/customers.

It's a gas pedal of awareness and the power to act, a map of how people function that enables us to get straight to the point and build solutions where discrepancies emerge in collaborations.

puceMy references:
Aguettant, Airbus, Bollhoff Otalu, CEA, CJD, Council of Europe, Emerjean, Green Development Products, ESRF, Kenzo, SNCF, Sofradir, Symrise, Sorbonne Université, ST Microelectronic...

regis redon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Catherine Fournereau</strong></span><br>Bretagne - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Catherine Fournereau
Bretagne - France

Coach, physiological awareness therapist and trainer

In your dreams...

If I told you that there was a tool for self-knowledge that was both simple and easy to access, with infinite possibilities. A tool that's open and lively, that doesn't lock you into a box, and that leaves plenty of room for creativity, while providing a structuring framework. A tool that makes it possible to objectify, to measure a person's state at the start of a support program and the state at the end, by objectively measuring changes in behavior, awareness and the ability to act with relevance.

A tool that is at your service, constantly evolving, for which you are trained and supported. You are both autonomous and part of a dynamic team. A tool that gives concrete form to your intuitions. A high-quality technical platform. Well, it's not just a dream. The tool exists, it's Intelli7!

What my customers say:

It's amazing!, Thank you!, Wow!, Impressive!...

My coaching allows you to take stock of your situation and, independently, to calm down, transform yourself and do things consciously, freeing yourself from erroneous beliefs. This enables those in inertia to get moving again, and others to move from agitation to relevant action. Or to leave survival mode and move towards appeasement, comfort and serenity.

Thanks to Intelli7, I have a powerful tool with which I was able, for example, to help the associates of a structure I was coaching to move from a love/hate relationship to a calmed one, while respecting everyone's differences.

I use intelli7 for both individual and group support, in the fields of therapy, coaching and skills assessment. I intervene in extreme situations, when people are at the end of their rope, and help them find their right place in their relationship with themselves and others by becoming aware of their inner workings.

My speciality? Accompanying executives, consultants, managers, hypersensitive people, associates in a state of distress or going through difficult times (bankruptcy, professional reconversion, burn out, ...), but also anyone stuck in recurring patterns who wants to find harmony in their relationship with themselves and others. I help people find their rightful place by daring to be who they are in consciousness.

With this tool, I've developed a short-time coaching technique that quickly restores the desire to move forward. In particular, I work as a volunteer coach for the 60,000 Rebonds association, which helps entrepreneurs who have liquidated their businesses to make a fresh start in their professional lives.

annabelle fournier
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Annabelle FOURNIER</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Annabelle FOURNIER
PARIS - France

Work psychology practitioner

In my individual coaching, I use Intelli7:

  • in the inventory of behavioral skills as part of a skills assessment,
  • on highlighting a team's wealth through collective mapping,
  • To advise on the final choice as part of a recruitment process, both on the pairing and on the individual study in relation to the corporate culture.

I particularly like this tool for the rapid appropriation that customers make of it, for its educational dimension and for the time-saving it provides.

For me, there's no other tool that matches it for the accuracy of its openness to the other, not its non-categorization which allows a much wider field of possibilities, and for its ethics which approach clinical psychology say nothing, do nothing that might harm others.

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