of Perception
and Subjectivity

academy softskills


Objectivate the Perception of one or more people:

for the 360°,
to take stock of the forces involved,
to define a goal, a desired state,
to gather requests in an elegant way,
for many other things besides.

Both on Personality and Behaviors...



Objectifying the subjective Perception of a person or a group, is a major tool for taking people into account.

In operational strategies, establishing a state of affairs, to then define a future state, builds the foundations of a concrete action plan.

In typical HR processes such as 360, elegantly gathering requests in a progress-oriented way, and doing so without judgment or opinion, brings success.

In the definition of specific Softskills, this Psychometry is the easy tool that makes these Behavioral SoftSkills concrete.

Thanks to Intelli7®, you can collect in a useful and elegant way
what people think, experience or consider.

By objectifying it,
on the one hand you value them by taking their opinions into account,
and on the other hand you benefit from their Intelligence.

colette gevers
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Colette Gevers</strong></span><br>SALON DE PROVENCE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Colette Gevers

Facilitator of collaboration and transformation - Collective intelligence and professional coaching

I appreciate the flexibility and finesse of intelli7; the tool doesn't lock us into boxes, but empowers us to make better use of our resources, in a very concrete and more conscious way. Intelli7 has enriched my coaching since 2018, in groups and individually.

When I work with groups, we explore their team mapping and culture together. We relate them to their issues and their usual functioning: what are their supports and brakes, their shortcomings, possible alternative strategies.

Gradually, the team assimilates a common vocabulary that helps them to step back from behaviors, in a calm and constructive way.

We then identify the synergies to be developed, those precious resources that are present in a few and today under-utilized; one of my customers thus testified that their codir had become aware of their creative potential.

In a 2nd phase, individual or paired restitutions of distant profiles allow us to go further.

puceMy references:
ArcelorMittal, Advitam, Canton de Genève, INRAE, thecamp, RATP, SANOFI, SNCF, Verre et Transparence, VYV

dominique deloche
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Dominique Deloche - YODISE - PHD Avenue</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Get in touch</a>

Dominique Deloche - YODISE - PHD Avenue
PARIS - France
Get in touch

Coach - Author

Manager Ensemble (digital offering) - Coût du non-management (E-book collection) - L'Eléphant Mimosa (play)

Intelli7 is a fantastic tool for local managers to decide to consciously modify their managerial practices.

The manager's understanding of his 7 Priority levels enables him to adapt his behavior based on his personality.

He can thus discover the managerial practices that are most natural to him (because they are in phase with his Priorities 1 and 2) and those that are furthest removed from him (Priorities 6 and 7). This identification, based on the tool, enables him to choose the most useful avenues for progress.

The local manager can progress, step by step, according to the wide variety of analyses offered by Intelli7.

Intelli7 is both a tool for individual progress and a support tool, in the hands of coaches. The fact that the same analysis information is shared (as soon as the profile is returned) provides the manager and his or her coach with a common support for unavoidable professional development.

For all local managers who have benefited from higher education (doctorate), this is an essential tool for their professional advancement. They have the intellectual training (capacity for abstraction) that enables them to decide for themselves on the best choices for behavior in situations (managerial practice).

But the tool is also very easy to access and immediately speaks to all those who are willing to improve their behavioral awareness and professional mobility.

puceMy references:
Veolia, OMS Energie, Administration Pénitentiaire, Défenseur des Droits, Orange, Weylchem

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