
We're all different, it seems...
Intelli7®'s psychometrics prove it.

Traditional psychometrics dates back to Galton (1822). Its use remains stable, despite considerable advances in cognitive science and neuroscience.

These show just how rich and complex humans are, and absolutely do not function in a robotic way, on the contrary.

What is the project of true (fair) psychometrics?

  • Restoring a person's modes of functioning,
  • In the different contexts she encounters: indeed, she doesn't have the same reactions depending on her stress,
  • Because we're not robots,
  • We are, it seems, the living species that knows best how to adapt,
  • Psychometrics must restore the full scope of this ability to adapt, otherwise it is fraught with error.


Intelli7® brings
2 major innovations
to Psychometrics

© Dynamic Psychometrics

© Contextual Psychometrics


<strong>© Dynamics<br>Psychometrics<br></strong>

© Dynamics

The superiority of the human species over other species is its ability to adapt.

Thanks to it, we face difficulties, and so we endure.

What's more, we're capable of changing our strategies and actions according to the situations we encounter: we're not robots.

Intelli7®'s Dynamic Psychometrics is the only one to show this so clearly and truthfully. In this way, it respects people.

It shows that we have many strings to our bow, that we are rich and adaptable. We're smart.

That's why it doesn't lock us into a box, as other forms of psychometrics do.

It gives an account of our richness and multiple talents in an easily readable way: it doesn't simplify things, but restores them in their truth.

<strong>© Contextual<br>Psychometrics<br></strong>

© Contextual

We've just seen that we all have a capacity for adaptation, which makes us adapt our strategies according to the situations we encounter.

Perhaps it would be interesting to know the contexts that will make us change our strategy.

This understanding of the contexts that make us choose other registers can help us to better exploit the new possibilities that arise.

Another way of putting it is to ask ourselves what it takes to mobilize this or that dexterity or behavioral skill in a person.

This is how we're going to be able to tackle the notions of stress, and of setting in motion the mechanisms of stress.

Stress is different for each of us, both in the way we experience it and in the behaviors it generates.

It is also different in the way it is activated and appears. What stresses one may be perfectly harmless to another.

Intelli7® Psychometrics
functions on 2 dimensions:

1- Personality,

2 - Behaviors.


<strong>Dynamic Psychometrics<br>of<br>Personality<br></strong>

Dynamic Psychometrics

The personality of the person (or teams) is described in its different planes by Intelli7® Psychometrics.

Its evolutions as a function of stress are reported as in a movie, which would unfold from our Natural to that to our Contrary-Nature.

It's essential to observe how our personality evolves according to our stress: it's our way of adapting.

This evolution brings out new talents, which help us succeed, and which would be ignored in traditional psychometrics.

So we discover in this Dynamic Personality Psychometry one of the most beautiful aspects of our personal wealth.

<strong>Dynamic Psychometrics<br>of<br>Behaviors</strong>

Dynamic Psychometrics

As with Personality, Behaviors are inventoried dynamically, ranging from our Natural to our Unnatural.

They are the answer to the question: What is the person doing now?

Couldn't be simpler: I can read, I can do.

This is a major advantage for those in the field who produce the result: no need for long or costly learning. Understanding is immediate

The Dynamic Behavioral Psychometrics is the best tool for people in the field because it's concrete, meaningful and operational.

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
<strong>Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil</strong><br>AVIGNON - France<br>

Jean-Luc Cervia - AIVREC Conseil
AVIGNON - France

Organizational consultant - Professional coach

I have been using Intelli7® since 2013 as a professional coach to support managers in 360 processes.

First, I enable managers to objectify their behavioral preferences in carrying out their mission.

Then I ask employees, using the tools provided by Intelli7, what they expect from their manager in terms of concrete actions to improve the fluidity of relationships and processes.

It's then very easy for me, thanks to another type of Intelli7 study, to match the employees' needs with the manager's talents.

They are then able to create a realistic and ambitious operational action plan together.

puceMy references:
France Télecom, Leroy-Merlin, ORANO, CEA, CCI Vaucluse and various VSEs and SMEs...

dominique proudhon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>DOMINIQUE PROUDHON, Ph.D.</strong></span><br>Nîmes - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>+33 617 571 873</a>

Nîmes - France
+33 617 571 873

Mediator, coach, trainer (French/English)

My activity consists in optimizing collaborations: I accompany individuals, pairs and teams in the development of mutual trust, the efficiency of operational exchanges and the quality of decision-making.

I use intelli7 in three main areas:

  • Anticipating areas of relational tension in building partnerships or teams.
  • Resolving interpersonal conflicts.
  • 360° feedback.

Intelli7 is a tool of choice: this unique approach enables me to accurately perceive my client's world to better accompany them. It provides me with a solid framework for exploring with him/her his/her reactions, priorities, and their impact in terms of results.

Thanks to Intelli7, I save precious time in getting straight to the heart of the internal dynamics at play in a given situation.

Intelli7 also enables me to clearly identify areas of divergence and misunderstanding/frustration between two individuals, within a CoDir, or in relations to one's team.

My customers particularly appreciate gaining clarity about the way they operate, being able to identify precisely the behavioral reflexes that put them in difficulty in a given context (and to develop appropriate corrective measures) and, in the case of 360°, to have objectively objective external feedback on how their behaviors affect the performance of their teams/company/customers.

It's a gas pedal of awareness and the power to act, a map of how people function that enables us to get straight to the point and build solutions where discrepancies emerge in collaborations.

puceMy references:
Aguettant, Airbus, Bollhoff Otalu, CEA, CJD, Council of Europe, Emerjean, Green Development Products, ESRF, Kenzo, SNCF, Sofradir, Symrise, Sorbonne Université, ST Microelectronic...

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