The dynamic
of know-how
and behavior
reveals our ability to adapt


We don't always function
in the same way.

Our ability to change, to adapt our strategies,
makes us smarter, more successful.

Showing us gives us the means
to increase our value and our possibilities.

<strong>Dynamics of<br>Personality</strong>

Dynamics of

Our personality evolves according to our involvement (our stress). This enables us to adapt to the situations we encounter.

This explains why we know how to do several different things, why we have several talents.

The Dynamics, exclusive to Intelli7®, reveals these multiple abilities we have.

For example, Dynaique shows, like in a movie, how we handle an objection when a customer says no.

Or how we deal with our stress.

Dynamic also shows what kinds of situations stress us.

Finally, it describes what we avoid doing, and what we shouldn't be asked to do.

<strong>Dynamic of<br>Behaviours</strong>

Dynamic of

Our Personality of the moment carries with it certain Behaviors that we are going to implement.

The Behavior Dynamics, which is the deepening of the Personality, lists in a perfectly legible way the Behaviors that the person has selected.

So all you have to do is read them to know how the person is going to act, precisely

The great advantage of Intelli7®, which is unique, is that these Behaviors have been chosen by the person.

They are rendered directly, without any interpretation.

So the person feels perfectly listened to, recognized and taken into account. For once, we're interested in them, and the facts prove it.

This completely changes the way we approach HR.


Dynamics also provides great insights into decision criteria, stress, values, and much more.

It alone provides a faithful and perfectly explainable rendering of talent profiles, and how they are ordered.

regis desseaux
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis Desseaux</strong></span><br>LILLE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>06 47 55 76 30</a>

Régis Desseaux
LILLE - France
06 47 55 76 30

HR Consultant and Coach

I've been using Intelli7 since 2011, with one main focus: coaching collectives (teams - associations of people - project groups...).

The idea is for people to understand their own functioning, and what underlies it. That they can also take a look at how others work, with the idea of understanding, and maybe starting to accept...differences!

I also use it in coaching, to generate awareness in the person of their own functioning, before tackling the blocking points and thus making the link between the two. I can then work on how to overcome these blocking points in line with who they are.

Finally, I'm using Intelli7 on the all-important issue of employee commitment and the necessary evolution of day-to-day management practices. Here too, Intelli7's relevance facilitates the implementation of in-depth work on coherence and cohesion.

Intelli7 enables me, of course, and above all, to adapt to the people I work with. In fact, this is the first benefit I derive from Intelli7: a better understanding of the person enables me to create a relationship, a connection, that's fairer and quicker, which in turn facilitates the progress of the work!

For my customers, the benefit is undeniable: understanding what their expectations and needs are based on, why and how things happen, situating themselves in their relationships with themselves and with others... are all awarenesses they can now rely on to move forward in their new daily lives.

puceMy references:
- VSEs/SMEs, particularly in the agricultural world,
- Companies in the agri-food and industrial sectors,
- The associative sector.

patrick sedillo
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Patrick SEDILLO Ph.D- SEDILLO CONSEIL</strong></span><br>CAEN - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>contact me</a>

CAEN - France
contact me

Pharmacist - Consultant - Professional Coach

To support my interventions as a trainer, consultant and coach, I have been using the Intelli7 approach for several years, which highlights the richness of the human.

Thanks to Intelli7, I've been able to improve my skills at the service of my customers, gain different angles from which to optimize my interventions, better understand my role and take full measure of both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the relationship with my customers.

With Intelli7, I'm more efficient and more precise in the way I support them in their projects such as team mergers, finding ways to motivate their staff, managing the complex situations they encounter on a daily basis (disagreements, conflicts, ....), ....

I can suggest to managers the postures they need to adopt to exploit the potential of their employees, and highlight the qualities they tend to neglect or even reject spontaneously or unconsciously.

The principle of fortnightly supervision enables me to continually evolve my practice so that my customers succeed in their projects and are satisfied, which results in the Enchantment of my customers.

puceMy references:
Pharma Système Qualité (PHSQ) - Pharmacie de l'Europe (27) - Pharmacie des corsaires (35) - Pharmacie du donjon (27) - Nordprint (80) - UFR Santé Caen

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