Operational solutions
for your HR projects

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Intelli7®: THE solution for
YOUR customized HR actions,

By choosing Intelli7®, you gain access to protocols that have already been tested and are directly operational.

You can easily adapt them to your needs and situations

Here are a few examples...


<strong>In Individual</strong>

In Individual

  • Recruitment,
  • Coaching,
  • Personal development,
  • Stress management,
  • Professional guidance,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Relational</strong>

In Relational

  • Relational anxiety,
  • Installing the relationship,
  • Managing priority discrepancies,
  • Association,
  • Conflict,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Collective</strong>

In Collective

  • Team,
  • Project management,
  • Culture,
  • Collective intelligence,
  • Excellence modeling,
  • And much more...



  • Objectification of subjectivity,
  • Modeling your expectations,
  • JobFit for personal development plan,
  • 360°,
  • Valuing coaching,
  • And many other things...

regis desseaux
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis Desseaux</strong></span><br>LILLE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>06 47 55 76 30</a>

Régis Desseaux
LILLE - France
06 47 55 76 30

HR Consultant and Coach

I've been using Intelli7 since 2011, with one main focus: coaching collectives (teams - associations of people - project groups...).

The idea is for people to understand their own functioning, and what underlies it. That they can also take a look at how others work, with the idea of understanding, and maybe starting to accept...differences!

I also use it in coaching, to generate awareness in the person of their own functioning, before tackling the blocking points and thus making the link between the two. I can then work on how to overcome these blocking points in line with who they are.

Finally, I'm using Intelli7 on the all-important issue of employee commitment and the necessary evolution of day-to-day management practices. Here too, Intelli7's relevance facilitates the implementation of in-depth work on coherence and cohesion.

Intelli7 enables me, of course, and above all, to adapt to the people I work with. In fact, this is the first benefit I derive from Intelli7: a better understanding of the person enables me to create a relationship, a connection, that's fairer and quicker, which in turn facilitates the progress of the work!

For my customers, the benefit is undeniable: understanding what their expectations and needs are based on, why and how things happen, situating themselves in their relationships with themselves and with others... are all awarenesses they can now rely on to move forward in their new daily lives.

puceMy references:
- VSEs/SMEs, particularly in the agricultural world,
- Companies in the agri-food and industrial sectors,
- The associative sector.

guy joly
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Guy Joly - TOTAL</strong></span><br>Paris - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Contact me here</a>

Guy Joly - TOTAL
Paris - France
Contact me here


HRD and responsible for executive management in the company, I am also a volunteer in the association TIGcRE which offers support to juniors and seniors wishing to form a tandem to create a company.

After several trials of different recruitment tools, my choice came down to Intelli7 in 2001.

Recruitment is a process involving several stages and above all several players: the candidate, the recruiter, and the manager of the team the candidate is to join.

At each stage, Intelli7 can accompany the various protagonists with the advantage of understanding the process, clarifying what is happening between the interlocutors and discovering the candidate in his or her functioning.

Everything is important: the job description, what the candidate can do, what he or she will actually do, how he or she will fit into the future team. Intelli7 provides a detailed and relevant analysis of these different aspects, giving leads for action and moving forward together the players in the recruitment process.

puceIntelli7 has enabled me to develop my confidence and the image of HR within the group, thanks to the ability it has given me to respond to all types of HR situations.
My internal positioning has been accepted and facilitated by the use of Intelli7 in the issues raised.

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