Operational solutions
for your HR projects

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Intelli7®: THE solution for
YOUR customized HR actions,

By choosing Intelli7®, you gain access to protocols that have already been tested and are directly operational.

You can easily adapt them to your needs and situations

Here are a few examples...


<strong>In Individual</strong>

In Individual

  • Recruitment,
  • Coaching,
  • Personal development,
  • Stress management,
  • Professional guidance,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Relational</strong>

In Relational

  • Relational anxiety,
  • Installing the relationship,
  • Managing priority discrepancies,
  • Association,
  • Conflict,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Collective</strong>

In Collective

  • Team,
  • Project management,
  • Culture,
  • Collective intelligence,
  • Excellence modeling,
  • And much more...



  • Objectification of subjectivity,
  • Modeling your expectations,
  • JobFit for personal development plan,
  • 360°,
  • Valuing coaching,
  • And many other things...

colette gevers
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Colette Gevers</strong></span><br>SALON DE PROVENCE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Colette Gevers

Facilitator of collaboration and transformation - Collective intelligence and professional coaching

I appreciate the flexibility and finesse of intelli7; the tool doesn't lock us into boxes, but empowers us to make better use of our resources, in a very concrete and more conscious way. Intelli7 has enriched my coaching since 2018, in groups and individually.

When I work with groups, we explore their team mapping and culture together. We relate them to their issues and their usual functioning: what are their supports and brakes, their shortcomings, possible alternative strategies.

Gradually, the team assimilates a common vocabulary that helps them to step back from behaviors, in a calm and constructive way.

We then identify the synergies to be developed, those precious resources that are present in a few and today under-utilized; one of my customers thus testified that their codir had become aware of their creative potential.

In a 2nd phase, individual or paired restitutions of distant profiles allow us to go further.

puceMy references:
ArcelorMittal, Advitam, Canton de Genève, INRAE, thecamp, RATP, SANOFI, SNCF, Verre et Transparence, VYV

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