Operational solutions
for your HR projects

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Intelli7®: THE solution for
YOUR customized HR actions,

By choosing Intelli7®, you gain access to protocols that have already been tested and are directly operational.

You can easily adapt them to your needs and situations

Here are a few examples...


<strong>In Individual</strong>

In Individual

  • Recruitment,
  • Coaching,
  • Personal development,
  • Stress management,
  • Professional guidance,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Relational</strong>

In Relational

  • Relational anxiety,
  • Installing the relationship,
  • Managing priority discrepancies,
  • Association,
  • Conflict,
  • And many other things...

<strong>In Collective</strong>

In Collective

  • Team,
  • Project management,
  • Culture,
  • Collective intelligence,
  • Excellence modeling,
  • And much more...



  • Objectification of subjectivity,
  • Modeling your expectations,
  • JobFit for personal development plan,
  • 360°,
  • Valuing coaching,
  • And many other things...

regis de charette
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Régis de Charette</strong></span><br>COS-FI, Aix en Provence<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Régis de Charette
COS-FI, Aix en Provence

Collective Intelligence facilitator, trainer, supervisor


I've been using intelli7 since 2014 in individual and group coaching, and I appreciate the many possibilities of the approach and the very open notion of Dynamics.

Using the behavioral preferences of individuals and those of the group, I enable everyone to objectify their talents within the group's working framework. These insights reveal to the group people in comfort zones, under-utilized talents, over-adapted people as well as collective avoidances.

This also enables people to quickly regulate their relationships within the group. It provides an objective framework for expressing preferences, communicating better in the other person's world, asking the right questions and avoiding misunderstandings that are often mis-expressed.

This twofold work on relationships and preferences within the group ensures that the group's dynamics are set in motion in a very short space of time. It greatly facilitates training work, which can then be targeted to unblock energy, and encourage setting in motion.

Managerial assessment

The managerial assessment enables experienced managers in career development to refine, reposition and confirm their professional project by objectifying behavioral competencies in addition to the technical skills dealt with elsewhere (skills assessment, for example).

In this assessment, people are asked to define their own management style. They build on their behavioral preferences and can better contextualize their Soft Skills.

In peer groups, people can discuss their behaviors and become aware of different ways of reacting in a given situation by sharing on the effects.

Then they are led to work on the perception of the most suitable behaviors for one or more envisaged positions. These perceptions are compared with the perceptions of a panel chosen by them, made up of hierarchical superiors, HR, colleagues, ...

The comparison of their behavioral preferences and perceptions of the positions naturally creates a framework of contrasts which, after analysis, enables the implementation of an adapted action plan.

puceMy references:
INRA, CNRS, university, Valimovia (real estate), STI, city of Marseille, CD13

colette gevers
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Colette Gevers</strong></span><br>SALON DE PROVENCE - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Colette Gevers

Facilitator of collaboration and transformation - Collective intelligence and professional coaching

I appreciate the flexibility and finesse of intelli7; the tool doesn't lock us into boxes, but empowers us to make better use of our resources, in a very concrete and more conscious way. Intelli7 has enriched my coaching since 2018, in groups and individually.

When I work with groups, we explore their team mapping and culture together. We relate them to their issues and their usual functioning: what are their supports and brakes, their shortcomings, possible alternative strategies.

Gradually, the team assimilates a common vocabulary that helps them to step back from behaviors, in a calm and constructive way.

We then identify the synergies to be developed, those precious resources that are present in a few and today under-utilized; one of my customers thus testified that their codir had become aware of their creative potential.

In a 2nd phase, individual or paired restitutions of distant profiles allow us to go further.

puceMy references:
ArcelorMittal, Advitam, Canton de Genève, INRAE, thecamp, RATP, SANOFI, SNCF, Verre et Transparence, VYV

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