The person's behaviors
are listed
and directly readable



Until Intelli7®, you had to deduce a person's Behaviors from their Personality.

This remained rather uncertain on the one hand,
and risky on the other.

With Intelli7®, you have direct access to the person's choices, without interpretation.

You know whether they're part of what they favor,
or what they tend to reject.



For example, here are the Behaviors she has chosen, with the plan of using them as often as possible.

Imagine yourself in a recutement, with a specific position.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you expect?

As you can see, it's very simple.



Here are the behaviors she has chosen to reject.

Maybe she's not comfortable with them, or they don't inspire her.

In any case, she won't use them.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you'd expect?

In this case, you'd be going on a recruitment error, if you chose this person.

As you can see, it's very simple.

In this example, we have the 2 extremes of the person's choices: the Natural and the Unnatural.

Intelli7® is much richer and renders the Adaptation Dynamics between these 2 extremes.

You can thus read the evolution of the person's strategies and see how they are going to do in relation to your expectations.

You have here the master asset to make your choices, without risk.

guy joly
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Guy Joly - TOTAL</strong></span><br>Paris - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Contact me here</a>

Guy Joly - TOTAL
Paris - France
Contact me here


HRD and responsible for executive management in the company, I am also a volunteer in the association TIGcRE which offers support to juniors and seniors wishing to form a tandem to create a company.

After several trials of different recruitment tools, my choice came down to Intelli7 in 2001.

Recruitment is a process involving several stages and above all several players: the candidate, the recruiter, and the manager of the team the candidate is to join.

At each stage, Intelli7 can accompany the various protagonists with the advantage of understanding the process, clarifying what is happening between the interlocutors and discovering the candidate in his or her functioning.

Everything is important: the job description, what the candidate can do, what he or she will actually do, how he or she will fit into the future team. Intelli7 provides a detailed and relevant analysis of these different aspects, giving leads for action and moving forward together the players in the recruitment process.

puceIntelli7 has enabled me to develop my confidence and the image of HR within the group, thanks to the ability it has given me to respond to all types of HR situations.
My internal positioning has been accepted and facilitated by the use of Intelli7 in the issues raised.

patrick oger
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Patrick Oger</strong></span><br>ORLEANS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'>Contact via Intelli7</a>

Patrick Oger
ORLEANS - France
Contact via Intelli7

Conseil en organisation et management

My expertise lies in structuring fast-growing SMEs. For the managers of these companies, it's all about proving oneself in order to survive. Everything moves very fast, and we can be confronted with poorly explained situations, often linked to human dysfunctions, which act as a brake on development.

In this type of context, the Intelli7 model, which is highly visual and easy for anyone to grasp without being an expert, enabled me to easily capture the attention of managers and get them to usefully reflect on the question of matching human resources to the company's needs: how do we know if we have the right man at the right place?

I've used Intelli7 in a variety of ways, but when it comes to structuring companies of this type, I'd like to mention two that have generally made a real difference.

The first consisted, through a better understanding of the behaviors sought, in limiting decisions calling on the garbage can model.

This often unsuccessful strategy leads to recruiting for high-level positions, without too much formality or discernment, a person from the immediate environment. When the scope of recruitment is broadened and the desired behaviors have been clearly identified, the company has a better chance of recruiting an employee who will effectively support its development strategy.

The second type of action was to help reposition certain employees who were unsuitable or suffering in their jobs.

With the help of coaching based on a profile, we can help people to better understand their preferred operating modes and thus find their place; particularly on the manager/expert axis.

puceThis helps repair a number of mistakes often made right from the start of the company.

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