The person's behaviors
are listed
and directly readable



Until Intelli7®, you had to deduce a person's Behaviors from their Personality.

This remained rather uncertain on the one hand,
and risky on the other.

With Intelli7®, you have direct access to the person's choices, without interpretation.

You know whether they're part of what they favor,
or what they tend to reject.



For example, here are the Behaviors she has chosen, with the plan of using them as often as possible.

Imagine yourself in a recutement, with a specific position.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you expect?

As you can see, it's very simple.



Here are the behaviors she has chosen to reject.

Maybe she's not comfortable with them, or they don't inspire her.

In any case, she won't use them.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you'd expect?

In this case, you'd be going on a recruitment error, if you chose this person.

As you can see, it's very simple.

In this example, we have the 2 extremes of the person's choices: the Natural and the Unnatural.

Intelli7® is much richer and renders the Adaptation Dynamics between these 2 extremes.

You can thus read the evolution of the person's strategies and see how they are going to do in relation to your expectations.

You have here the master asset to make your choices, without risk.

annabelle fournier
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Annabelle FOURNIER</strong></span><br>PARIS - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Annabelle FOURNIER
PARIS - France

Work psychology practitioner

In my individual coaching, I use Intelli7:

  • in the inventory of behavioral skills as part of a skills assessment,
  • on highlighting a team's wealth through collective mapping,
  • To advise on the final choice as part of a recruitment process, both on the pairing and on the individual study in relation to the corporate culture.

I particularly like this tool for the rapid appropriation that customers make of it, for its educational dimension and for the time-saving it provides.

For me, there's no other tool that matches it for the accuracy of its openness to the other, not its non-categorization which allows a much wider field of possibilities, and for its ethics which approach clinical psychology say nothing, do nothing that might harm others.

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