The person's behaviors
are listed
and directly readable



Until Intelli7®, you had to deduce a person's Behaviors from their Personality.

This remained rather uncertain on the one hand,
and risky on the other.

With Intelli7®, you have direct access to the person's choices, without interpretation.

You know whether they're part of what they favor,
or what they tend to reject.



For example, here are the Behaviors she has chosen, with the plan of using them as often as possible.

Imagine yourself in a recutement, with a specific position.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you expect?

As you can see, it's very simple.



Here are the behaviors she has chosen to reject.

Maybe she's not comfortable with them, or they don't inspire her.

In any case, she won't use them.

Would these Behaviors be the ones you'd expect?

In this case, you'd be going on a recruitment error, if you chose this person.

As you can see, it's very simple.

In this example, we have the 2 extremes of the person's choices: the Natural and the Unnatural.

Intelli7® is much richer and renders the Adaptation Dynamics between these 2 extremes.

You can thus read the evolution of the person's strategies and see how they are going to do in relation to your expectations.

You have here the master asset to make your choices, without risk.

regis redon
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Catherine Fournereau</strong></span><br>Bretagne - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Catherine Fournereau
Bretagne - France

Coach, physiological awareness therapist and trainer

In your dreams...

If I told you that there was a tool for self-knowledge that was both simple and easy to access, with infinite possibilities. A tool that's open and lively, that doesn't lock you into a box, and that leaves plenty of room for creativity, while providing a structuring framework. A tool that makes it possible to objectify, to measure a person's state at the start of a support program and the state at the end, by objectively measuring changes in behavior, awareness and the ability to act with relevance.

A tool that is at your service, constantly evolving, for which you are trained and supported. You are both autonomous and part of a dynamic team. A tool that gives concrete form to your intuitions. A high-quality technical platform. Well, it's not just a dream. The tool exists, it's Intelli7!

What my customers say:

It's amazing!, Thank you!, Wow!, Impressive!...

My coaching allows you to take stock of your situation and, independently, to calm down, transform yourself and do things consciously, freeing yourself from erroneous beliefs. This enables those in inertia to get moving again, and others to move from agitation to relevant action. Or to leave survival mode and move towards appeasement, comfort and serenity.

Thanks to Intelli7, I have a powerful tool with which I was able, for example, to help the associates of a structure I was coaching to move from a love/hate relationship to a calmed one, while respecting everyone's differences.

I use intelli7 for both individual and group support, in the fields of therapy, coaching and skills assessment. I intervene in extreme situations, when people are at the end of their rope, and help them find their right place in their relationship with themselves and others by becoming aware of their inner workings.

My speciality? Accompanying executives, consultants, managers, hypersensitive people, associates in a state of distress or going through difficult times (bankruptcy, professional reconversion, burn out, ...), but also anyone stuck in recurring patterns who wants to find harmony in their relationship with themselves and others. I help people find their rightful place by daring to be who they are in consciousness.

With this tool, I've developed a short-time coaching technique that quickly restores the desire to move forward. In particular, I work as a volunteer coach for the 60,000 Rebonds association, which helps entrepreneurs who have liquidated their businesses to make a fresh start in their professional lives.

catherine m.foix
<span style='font-size:1rem;'><strong>Clotilde and Mathieu</strong></span><br>BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT - France<br><a style='font-size:0.7rem; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration:underline' href='' target='_blank'></a>

Clotilde and Mathieu

Human solutions to your transformation challenges

At CEPIG, we've been using Intelli7 since 1998.

Today we're working with the 3rd version; a valuable qualitative leap for our missions to support internal or external recruitment decisions, and integration.

Our business since 1965, to develop the potential of our customers' employees. Our ambition, to take care of all talents and contribute to making the company fertile, creator of human, economic, social value.

Intelli7 is an invaluable tool in this respect for several reasons:

First of all, the dynamic profile: its contextualized approach to each person enables us to describe a profile that's alive, in motion, and not reduced to static, immutable characteristics. For us, personality unfolds differently depending on how engaged the person is in the situation.

Next, the matchings:

- Individual profile with job fit,

- Individual profile with N+1 and/or team profile,

provide valuable information to support integration and/or job start-up.

Our customers are able to deepen their decisions; prepare for the arrival of people in teams; set up suitable management, thanks to the support advice.

Mathieu Maurice

His leitmotiv: finding simple, optimized solutions in complex environments. Passionate and committed, he accompanies young entrepreneurs in their projects and teaches in the X-HEC Entrepreneurs Major.

Clotilde La Batide Alanore

His passion: listening, saying and making people say, using language as a precision technology to diagnose, enlighten, encourage, set in motion and give meaning. Her main concern: finding the levers to maximize your employees' chances of success, whether in recruitment, empowerment or mobility.

puceOur references include:
Bouygues, RAJA, Happytal, Grands Moulins de Paris, GCC, Clarins, Maisons de monde, Kronenbourg

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