CAEN - France
contact me
Pharmacist - Consultant - Professional Coach
To support my interventions as a trainer, consultant and coach, I have been using the Intelli7 approach for several years, which highlights the richness of the human.
Thanks to Intelli7, I've been able to improve my skills at the service of my customers, gain different angles from which to optimize my interventions, better understand my role and take full measure of both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the relationship with my customers.
With Intelli7, I'm more efficient and more precise in the way I support them in their projects such as team mergers, finding ways to motivate their staff, managing the complex situations they encounter on a daily basis (disagreements, conflicts, ....), ....
I can suggest to managers the postures they need to adopt to exploit the potential of their employees, and highlight the qualities they tend to neglect or even reject spontaneously or unconsciously.
The principle of fortnightly supervision enables me to continually evolve my practice so that my customers succeed in their projects and are satisfied, which results in the Enchantment of my customers.
My references:
Pharma Système Qualité (PHSQ) - Pharmacie de l'Europe (27) - Pharmacie des corsaires (35) - Pharmacie du donjon (27) - Nordprint (80) - UFR Santé Caen